
The present research was to study the association of polymorphism of Natural resistance-associated macrophage proteinl (Nrampl) with some immune functions in Rugao chicken (RG) and Recessive White chicken (RW). The PCR-SSCP technique was applied to analyze the correlation between the polymorphisms of Nrampl gene and immune functions (Heterophil/Lymphocyte (H/L), lymphocyte transformation rate and the content of IgM) in 72 RG and 55 RW. The results showed that: the Heterophil/Lymphocyte (H/L), lymphocyte transfoimation rate and the content of IgM in RG and RW showed significant differences (p<0.05). H/L of AA was significantly lower than BB and AB while the AA's lymphocyte transformation rate and IgM were significantly higher than the BB's in both RG and RW. The results demonstrated that the general immune performances of RG were superior to those of RW. The general immune performances of AA were superior to BB and AB.