
Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is considered as a promising alternative to traditional CMOS technology and a possible candidate for addressing the related issues. In QCA, configuration of charges plays the role which is played by current in CMOS. This replacement provides some significant advantages including low power consumption, high device density, and very high switching speed. On the other hand, possible faults in QCA which originate from the structure of phases involved in constructing QCA gates and circuits are so important that should be studied deeply. In this paper, a fault-tolerant 3-input majority gate is proposed and employing the majority gate, a JK latch is designed, as well. The fault-tolerant majority gate is compared with the only previously presented one in terms of defect tolerance, structural factors, and power consumption. The results display that our proposed 3-input majority gate is more fault-tolerant to displacement and misalignment defects, contains less complexity, and consumes less energy than the other formerly presented one.

  • 出版日期2018-1