
Since the beginning of new millennium substantial progress in the development of potentiometric zirconia-based NOx sensors for automotive and combustion industries has been made. Among the various zirconia-based sensors, special attention has been paid to the group of devices based on the mixed potential gas-sensing mechanism owing to its attractive performances. These devices with appropriate designs and properly selected material of sensing electrodes (SE) can exhibit high sensitivity and selectivity to nitrogen oxides in oxygen containing humid atmospheres at high temperatures showing promising achievements of being applied for automotive and combustion applications. Search for a new material of SE capable of satisfying requirements of both these industries is on its way. This article aims to overview recent progress in the early 21st century in the development of the zirconia nitrogen oxides sensors based on mixed-potential gas-sensing mechanism with specific attention to the recent development of both oxide materials for SE and sensors' design. Particular attention is focused on the factors determining high NO, sensitivity and on the future trends in the development of the zirconia-based nitrogen oxides sensors.

  • 出版日期2007-2-20