
It is noteworthy that the use of transgene elements homologous to both the structural gene and promoter region sequences are more effective than heterologous ones for growth hormone (GH) transgenesis in farmed fish species. The generation of autotransgenic fish carrying the GH-transgene construct (of which elements originate from the same species only) has been given considerable attention as a potential means to produce a desirable fish strain acquiring significantly improved growth phenotype. Currently, several growth-enhanced autotransgenic lines including mud loach, carp and tilapia, have been developed or are ongoing for aquacultural purpose. This review considers the generation, development and prospects of autotransgenic manipulation of fish growth, comparing the growth performance of currently available autotransgenic fish strains with those of relevant fast-growing allotransgenic fishes.

  • 出版日期2008-1