
The authors have developed a new spectral cumulus parameterization scheme that explicitly considers an ensemble of multiple convective updrafts by interpolating in-cloud variables between two convective updrafts with large and small entrainment rates. This cumulus scheme has the advantages that the variables in entraining and detraining convective updrafts are calculated in detail layer by layer as in the Tiedtke scheme, and that a spectrum of convective updrafts with different heights due to the difference in entrainment rates is explicitly represented, as in the Arakawa-Schubert scheme. A conservative and monotonic semi-Lagrangian scheme is used for calculation of transport by convection-induced compensatory subsidence. Use of the semi-Lagrangian scheme relaxes the mass-flux limit due to the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition, and moreover ensures nonnegative natural material transport. A global atmospheric model using this cumulus scheme gives an atmospheric simulation that agrees well with the observational climatology.