Assessment of potential slope failure sites at Mt. Can-abag, Guinsaugon, Philippines, based on stratigraphy and rock strength

作者:Futalan Krestabelle M*; Biscaro John Ronald D; Saturay Ricarido M Jr; Catane Sandra G; Amora Melezra S; Villaflor Emmanuelle L
来源:Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2010, 69(4): 517-521.


Geological mapping was undertaken to determine the stratigraphy and potential landslide sites along Mt. Can-abag in St. Bernard, Philippines, where a disastrous landslide occurred in February 2006. The area is underlain by a sequence of NW- to SW-dipping breccias, sandstones and mudstones, with andesite intrusions. The low permeability of the mudstones, which form an aquiclude and hence confined aquifers, results in the build-up of pore pressures. Although the strata dip into the hillside, the fault-created discontinuities mean that the NE-facing slope of Mt. Can-abag is prone to wedge failures.