
Aim of the study: A screening will be developed and validated which measure the negative response bias by inpatients with depressive symptoms. The questionnaire should be appropriate for the claimants for disability pension due to a mental illness. Materials and Method: The present study uses for the construction (K) and validation (V) an analog study design. Healthy participants (depression: K: N=58; V=100; pain: K: N=50; V: N=90) obtained a scenario to feign major depression or pain disorder in the BEVA. In addition, a control group (K: N=78; V: N=89), patients with major depression (K: N=58; V: N=162) and patients with pain disorder (K: N=35; V: N=46) completed the survey about their current mental complaints. Results: Using the data of the construction sample the cut-off values were determined. In the validation sample could be analyzed a sensitivity of 0,75, specificity of 0,95, a positive predictive value of 0,90, and a negative predictive value of 0,86 for the study group depression. For the pain group had a sensitivity of 0,81, specificity of 0,96, a positive predictive value of 0,97 and a negative predictive value of 0,72 resulted. Conclusion: The developed screening has very well values for the validity and reliability. Thus, the method seems suitable to measure negative response bias.

  • 出版日期2016-6