
The odd-parity high-lying states of the Sm atom are investigated systematically by a three-color resonant excitation scheme with two different excitation paths. The two intermediate states, 4f(6)6s7s F-7(0) and 4f(6)6s7s F-7(1) are employed for paths I and II, respectively. Fifty-seven bound states are detected with paths I and II in the energy range between 44188 and 45515 cm(-1), while 64 autoionizing states are found in the energy range from 45528 to 45761 cm(-1). Not only the level energies of all observed states, but also the line widths of autoionizing states are determined. The possible impact of configuration interaction on the line shape of autoionizing states is also discussed. In addition, the total angular momentum is assigned uniquely to most of the states, whereas the information about the relative line intensity of all states is also presented.