A study of the factors associated with cervical spinal disc degeneration, with a focus on bone metabolism and amino acids, in the Japanese population: a cross sectional study

作者:Wada Kanichiro; Tanaka Toshihiro; Kumagai Gentaro; Kudo Hitoshi; Asari Toru; Chiba Daisuke; Ota Seiya; Kamei Keita; Takeda On; Nakaji Shigeyuki; Ishibashi Yasuyuki
来源:BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2018, 19(1): 153.


Background: The physical and biochemical factors responsible for cervical disc degeneration, and resulting in various spinal disorders, remain unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between cervical spinal canal stenosis and degeneration of intervertebral discs, and to analyze the factors related to disc degeneration in the Japanese population.
Methods: Three hundred and forty-four Japanese general residents underwent investigations, including magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine, in our health check project. We measured anteroposterior diameters at the levels of the cervical spinal disc in mid sagittal plane magnetic resonance imaging and evaluated disc degeneration. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to evaluate whether the diameters were correlated with disc degenerative scores. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was conducted with the score of disc degeneration as the dependent variable; and age, physical measurement values, bone mineral density of the forearm, and the value of serum bone metabolic markers and amino acids as the independent variables for each sex.
Results: As the age increased, the anteroposterior diameters decreased in both sexes. The minimum anteroposterior diameters were correlated with the disc degenerative scores (Spearman r = - 0.59, p < 0.001 in men, Spearman r = - 0. 53, p < 0.001 in women). In multiple linear regression analysis, age, cross-linked N-telopeptide of type 1 collagen and isoleucine were significantly correlated with the cervical disc degenerative score in men (R-2 = 0.47), and age and lysine were significantly correlated with the degenerative score in women (R-2 = 0.50).
Conclusion: The factors responsible for cervical disc degeneration differed between men and women. Whether modifying these significant factors is possible, or whether this intervention would contribute to prevention of disc degenerdrion requires future studies.

  • 出版日期2018-5-17
