
Project stakeholders in the building sector adopt different approaches to sustainability, based on diverse definitions and perceptions of what is to be considered "sustainable" and the means to achieve it. These differences create tensions, which in some cases lead to better interventions and, in other cases, to conflicts. It is therefore crucial to understand these differences and examine both their theoretical and practical implications. Nonetheless, while attempting to do so, two problems often arise. First, scholars tend to classify stakeholders in groups, labelling them and oversimplifying their differences in power and the dynamic character of their approaches. Second, insufficient knowledge still exists on whether and how differences between stakeholders' approaches to sustainability influence building projects. The longitudinal and detailed analysis of the evolution of stakeholder decisions and tensions in a building project in Canada overcomes these two limitations. The study includes a comprehensive stakeholder analysis during early project phases, and the mapping and examination of the evolution of sustainability approaches. Results illustrate how differences in sustainability approaches influence the project process and its final outcome. They show that sustainability approaches are dynamic and create tensions that significantly impact the initial project goals and the planning and design phases. From a theoretical perspective, these results suggest a method to map the dynamic character of sustainability approaches. From a practical perspective, these findings can help clients, project managers and design professionals anticipate possible tensions and make informed choices, ultimately creating projects that better respect the environment and society.

  • 出版日期2016-10