
The finite-element method was employed to explore the electromagnetically engendered fluid streaming around a spherical inclusion particle suspended in aluminum melt, and numerical integration of the pressure over the particle surface was made to calculate the electromagnetic expulsive force exerted on the particle. It was found that convection flows with four cells appear around the particle along the direction of the electromagnetic force. The change of pressure gradient is confined within the thin-skin layer around the particle, while the perturbance of the velocity field widely spreads out. Compared with the theoretical results derived from the analytical method, the numerical results agree well in the range of small particle sizes or low-intensity force densities. For large particle sizes or high-intensity force densities, the calculated expulsive force is only a little bit larger than the theoretical result. The influence of a boundary effect and proximity effect on the electromagnetic expulsive force is insignificant, except for a slight increase in the expulsive force when the particle approaches a boundary or other particles.