
A method for separating coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the quiescent corona in white-light coronagraph images is presented. Such a separation allows the study of CME structure, as well as enabling a study of the quiescent coronal structure, without contamination by the CME. The fact that the large-scale quiescent corona is very close to radial, whilst CMEs are highly non-radial, enables the separation of the two components. The method is applied to Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph/Solar and Heliospheric Observatory C2 and C3 observations, and is successful in revealing CME signal, faint CMEs and blobs, and dark rarefactions within a CME. The success of the separation is tested at solar minimum, a time when streamers are in general most non-radial. The technique is also compared to other commonly used methods. The separation method enables ( 1) the study of extremely faint CME structure, down to almost the noise level of the coronagraphs, ( 2) paves the way for automated categorization of CME internal structure, and ( 3) provides a cleaner basis for tomography of the quiescent corona, without contamination from CMEs.

  • 出版日期2010-3-10