
We study the heavy quark mass dependence of selected observables constructed from heavy-light meson correlation functions in small-volume two-flavour lattice QCD after taking the continuum limit. The light quark mass is tuned to zero, whereas the range of available heavy quark masses m(h) covers a region extending from around the charm to beyond the bottom quark mass scale. This allows entering the asymptotic mass-scaling regime as 1/m(h) -> 0 and performing well-controlled extrapolations to the infinite-mass limit. Our results are then compared to predictions obtained in the static limit of continuum Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET), in order to verify non-perturbatively that HQET is an effective theory of QCD. While in general we observe a nice agreement at the per cent level, we find it to be less convincing for the small-volume pseudoscalar decay constant when perturbative matching is involved.

  • 出版日期2016-1-18