A simple, rapid and low-cost staining method for gel-electrophoresis separated phosphoproteins via the fluorescent purpurin dye

作者:Cong, Weitao; Shen, Jiayi; Xuan, Yuanhu; Zhu, Xinliang; Ni, Maowei; Zhu, Zhongxin; Hong, Guoying; Lu, Xianghong*; Jin, Litai
来源:Analyst, 2014, 139(23): 6104-6108.


A novel fluorescence detection method for phosphoproteins in 1-D and 2-D SDS-PAGE by using purpurin is developed in this study. Phosphoproteins as low as 4-8 ng could be specifically detected by purpurin within 60 min, and the detection limit is similar to or better than that of Pro-Q Diamond staining. Only 2 steps (staining and destaining) are needed for purpurin staining without requiring excessive fixing and washing steps, and for single use, $0.8 is enough for purpurin staining. By comprehensively comparing with Pro-Q Diamond staining, it is concluded that purpurin staining is a simple, rapid and low-cost staining method for a broad application to the research of phosphoproteins.