An Efficient Method for the Synthesis of Substituted 5-Aminotetrazoles from Selenoureas

作者:Jiang, Xiaoying; Mi, Zhisheng; Guo, Dongyan; Xie, Yuanyuan*; Jin, Tingting; Wang, Wenhui
来源:Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016, 36(9): 2150-2156.


The method to synthesize 5-aminotetrazoles starting from 1,3-disubtituted selenoureas using ion-supported hypervalent iodine(III) reagent and sodium azide via electrocyclization has been discovered. The reaction has some advantages, such as using green and recyclable reagent [dibmim](+)[PF6](-), environmental benign, short reaction time, good selectivity and high yield. The reaction is in line with the requirements of green chemistry.
