
The gap between symptoms and pathology in Alzheimer%26apos;s disease has been explained by the hypothetical construct of %26quot;cognitive reserve%26quot;-a set of variables including education, intelligence, and mental stimulation which putatively allow the brain to adapt to-and hence mask-underlying pathologies by maintaining cognitive function despite underlying neural changes. This review proposes a hypothesis that a biological mechanism may mediate between these social/psychological processes on the one hand, and apparently reduced risk of Alzheimer%26apos;s disease on the other, namely repeated activation of the noradrenergic system over a lifetime by the processes implicated in cognitive reserve. Noradrenaline%26apos;s neuroprotective effects both in vivo and in vitro, and its key role in mediating the neuroprotective effects of environmental enrichment on the brain, make noradrenaline%26apos;s key role in mediating cognitive reserve-by disease compensation, disease modification, or a combination of both-a viable hypothesis.

  • 出版日期2013-1