
This paper presents MORSE (MOdel forRainfall Statistics Estimation), a unified model for the prediction of spatial (P-S(R)) and temporal (P-T(R)) high-resolution rainfall rate statistics. Inputs to MORSE are the convective (M-c) and total (M-t) rain amounts cumulated in different time intervals, ranging from a few hours for the prediction of (P-S(R)) to much longer intervals for the estimation of (P-T(R)). Tests performed against (P-T(R))s on yearly (curves included in the DBSG3 database) and monthly (distributions derived from rain rate time series) basis provide very satisfactory results, which makes MORSE a reliable global model for the prediction of (P-S(R)) on hourly basis and of (P-T(R)) at any time scale (e.g., monthly, seasonal, yearly).

  • 出版日期2013-10
