
Internal valve leakage in a natural gas pipeline seriously impairs the safe operation on pipelines, and the recognition of leakages has therefore been a major concern of the industry. In this study, a novel leakage detection scheme based on kernel principal component analysis (kernel PCA) and the support vector machine (SVM) classifier for the recognition of the leakage level is constructed. Using this approach, the acoustic signal of the leakage is obtained as the feature source using an acoustic emission (AE) sensor. The kernel PCA is used to reduce the dimensionality of the features and extract the optimal features for the classification process, and the SVM is applied to perform the recognition of the leakage levels. The performance of the classification process based on kernel PCA and the classifier are evaluated in terms of the accuracy, Cohen's kappa number and training time. The experimental results demonstrate that the intelligent recognition model based on kernel PCA and SVM classifier is very effective for recognizing the leakage level of a valve in a natural gas pipeline.