
Reaction of [(LCuGdIII)-Gd-II(NO3)(3)] (L = N,N'-ethylenebis(salicyl-ideneimine)) and [LiTCNE] (TCNE = tetracyanoethylene) in MeOH-CH3CN affords an unexpected cyano-bridged coordination polymer {[(LCuGdIII)-Gd-II(NO3)Cu-2(I)(CN)(4)]center dot MeOH}(n) (1) featuring unexpectedly short Cu-I center dot center dot center dot Cu-I bonds (2.470(2) angstrom). X-ray crystallographic analysis reveals that 1 possesses a two dimensional heterospin layer structure comprised of a chain of five-membered rings. The magnetic analysis of 1 reveals a ferromagnetic interaction between the Gd-III and Cu-II ions.