
In this article, we study the physical and mechanical properties of lutetium, which will be compared with the elements of the third-row transition metals (Cs, Ba, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Tl, Pb, and Bi). Data mining is an ideal approach for analyzing the information and exploring the hidden knowledge among the data. The purpose of the data mining scheme is to identify and classify the effects of the relationships existing between properties. The results of the investigation are presented by means of multivariate modeling methods, such as the principal component analysis and the partial least squares regression to discover the implicit, yet meaningful, relationship between the elements of the data set, and to locate correlations between the properties of the materials. In this study, we present a data mining approach to discover such unusual correlations between properties of the elements. When comparing the properties of the transition metals with those of lutetium, our results show that lutetium shares many properties and similarities with the transition metals of the sixth row in the periodic table and can be well described as a transition metal.

  • 出版日期2015-1