
The JPEG2000 image compression standard is the powerful encoder which can provide phenomenal rate-control performance. The post-compression rate-distortion (PCRD) algorithm in JPEG2000 is not efficient. It requires encoding all coding passes even though a large contribution of them will not be contained in the final code-stream. Tier-1 encoding in the JPEG2000 standard takes a significant amount of memory and coding time. In this work, a low-complexity rate distortion method for JPEG2000 is proposed. It is relied on a reverse order for the resolution levels and the coding passes. The proposed algorithm encodes only the coding passes contained in the final code-stream and it does not need any post compression rate control part. The computational complexity of proposed algorithm is negligible, making it suitable to compression and attaining a significant performance. Simulations results show that the proposed algorithm obtained the PSNR values are comparable with the optimal PCRD.

  • 出版日期2017-6
