
We propose an automatic segmentation and registration method that provides more efficient and robust matching of lung nodules in sequential chest computed tomography (CT) images. Our method consists of four steps. First, the lungs are extracted from chest CT images by the automatic segmentation method. Second, gross translational mismatch is corrected by optimal cube registration. This initial alignment does not require extracting any anatomical landmarks. Third, the initial alignment is step-by-step refined by hierarchical surface registration. To evaluate the distance measures between lung boundary points, a three-dimensional distance map is generated by narrow-band distance propagation, which drives fast and robust convergence to the optimal value. Finally, correspondences of manually detected nodules are established from the pairs with the smallest Euclidean distances. Experimental results show that our segmentation method accurately extracts lung boundaries and the registration method effectively finds the nodule correspondences.

  • 出版日期2008-5