
Neutron and proton odd-even mass differences are systematically studied with Hartree-Fock (HF) + BCS calculations with Skyrme interactions and an isospin-dependent contact pairing interaction. The strength of pairing interactions is determined to reproduce empirical odd-even mass differences in a wide region of the mass table. By using the optimal parameter sets for proton and neutrons, we perform global (HF) + BCS calculations with Skyrme interactions and an isospin-dependent contact pairing interaction. The strength of pairing interactions is determined to reproduce empirical odd-even mass differences in a wide region of the mass table. By using the optimal parameter sets for proton and neutrons, we perform global HF + BCS calculations of nuclei and compare them with experimental data. The importance of the isospin dependence of the pairing interaction is singled out for odd-even mass differences in medium and heavy isotopes. Proton and neutron radii are studied systematically using the same model.

  • 出版日期2012-1-24