A corrected scalar coupled-mode theory for the anisotropic waveguide

作者:Li, Deng Feng; Dong, Hui Ning*; Zu, Xiao Tao; Qiu, Yi Shen
来源:International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2007, 21(2): 159-168.


A new coupled-mode formulation based on scalar modes is developed for the anisotropic optical waveguide. In the new formulation, the birefringence property of the material is represented as additional coupling to the coupling duet to the refractive-index perturbations. The theory is applied to the direction coupler made of parallelslab wave guides. The numerical results show that the numerical value of the birefringence coupling correction is around 10% as much as that of the refractive-index perturbation coupling for the special case.
