
A large set of Kirkman triple systems of order v, denoted by LKTS(v), is a collection {(X, B(i)) : 1 <= i <= v-2}, where every (X, B(i)) is a KTS(v) and all B(i) form a partition of all triples on X. In this article, we give a new construction for LKTS(6v + 3) via OLKTS(2v + 1) with a special property and obtain new results for LKTS, that is there exists an LKTS(3v) for v = Pi(p)(i=1) (2q(i)(ri) + 1) Pi(q)(j=1) (4(sj) - 1), where p, q >= 0, r(i) , s(j) >= 1, q(i) is a prime power and q(i) = 7 mod 12.