Accuracy of genomic within-family selection in aquaculture breeding programmes

作者:Toro M A; Saura M; Fernandez J; Villanueva B
来源:Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 2017, 134(3): 256-263.


<jats:title>Summary</jats:title><jats:p>In aquaculture breeding programmes, selection within families cannot be applied for traits that cannot be recorded on the candidates (e.g., disease resistance or fillet quality). However, this problem can be overcome if genomic evaluation is used. Within‐family genomic evaluation has been proposed for these programmes as large family sizes are available and substantial levels of linkage disequilibrium (LD) within families can be attained with a limited number of markers even in populations in global linkage equilibrium. Here, we compare by computer simulation: (i) within‐family and population‐wide LD; and (ii) the accuracy of within‐family genomic selection when genomic evaluations are carried out either at the population level or within families. The population simulated was composed by a varying number of families of full‐sibs (half for training and half for testing). The results indicate that, to practice within‐family selection, performing the genomic evaluation separately for each family using only molecular information from the family could be recommended for populations either in linkage equilibrium or with a low level of disequilibrium.</jats:p>