
Experimental nuclear structure data for the known A=164 isobaric nuclides (Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir) have been evaluated, and presented together with Adopted properties of level energies, and associated. rays. The decay data for these nuclides have also been evaluated, providing Adopted values of. and beta radiations, and log ft values. @@@ No excited states are known in Eu-164, Tb-164, and Ir-164. Information for Gd-164, Re-164 and Os-164 is limited due to insufficient experimental data. For radioactive nuclides, decay schemes of Sm-164, Gd-164 and Re-164 are not known, and those of W-164, Tb-164, Lu-164, Hf-164, Ta-164 and W-164 are incomplete. The decay schemes of Ho-164 and the two activities of Tm-164 seem fairly complete. The decay scheme of Yb-164 presents a major problem that the Q(epsilon) value of 887 keV 29 recommended in 2017Wa10 is in disagreement with the population of levels at 928, 952 and 1060 keV in the daughter nucleus. This decay scheme, which so far has been mainly reported in a secondary reference (1982AdZZ) needs further investigation. Also the masses of Yb-164 and Tm-164 need either new measurements or a re-evaluation to resolve discrepancy of about 220 keV in the Q value of Yb-164 decay to Tm-164. @@@ The reactions and decays for which no new experimental information has become available since the 2001 update have undergone revisions to incorporate conversion coefficients from BrIcc code, and evaluated Q values from 2017Wa10, but the essential content of such datasets may have remained the same as in previous evaluations. In this respect the present work greatly benefited from all the previous NDS evaluations (2001Si27,1992Sh07, 1986Sh03,1974Bu30), but at the same time data presented herein supersede all the previous published evaluations.

  • 出版日期2018-1