
Nine monophyletic groups have been recognized in Myrcia s.l. and this study presents nomenclatural updates for one of them-clade 7. The updates are based on 35 herbarium collections analysed in the context of a wider herbarium survey and field expeditions that allowed specimens to be analysed in situ. Lectotypes are provided for the 20 following basionyms: Aulomyrcia bicarinata, A. breviramis, A. calyptranthoides, A. ferruginea, A. mutabilis, A. pulchra, A. rufa, A. supraaxillaris, A. widgreniana, Calyptranthes cordata, C. densa, Eugenia paniculata, Eugenia rubiginosa, Eugeniopsis angustifolia, Myrcia bicolor, M. nitida, M. pilodes, M. pilotantha, M. plusiantha, and M. subcordata. Twelve synonymizations are proposed: A. rufa under Myrcia bicarinata; A. supraaxillaris under Myrcia densa; A. calyptranthoides under Myrcia mutabilis; E. paniculata and E. rubiginosa under M. nitida; Myrcia follii under M. plusiantha; A. breviramis, A. pulchra, A. widgreniana, M. pilotantha and Myrcia jaguariaivensis under M. subcordata; Marlierea vicina under Myrcia summa. Lastly, the holotype of Aulomyrcia tenuifolia is clarified and two new combinations are presented: Myrcia foveolata (based on Marlierea foveolata) and Myrcia summa (based on Marlierea summa).

  • 出版日期2016-4-14