
A search area of a crime scene to recover trans-dermal artefacts (here, earrings) was conducted using 12 pig carcasses, of various sizes, with pierced ears; 6 were buried and 6 deposited on the surface in a wooded area. After 28 months, the remains were excavated and recovered, and the final location of the earrings recorded. The furthest recorded earring from its associated surface remains was 119 cm. In the buried remains, on three occasions earrings were found located 6 cm below the recorded base of the grave. Formal recommendations for the search area of a crime scene have been established as 120 cm radius from the originally located remains, whether surface deposition or burial, and confirmation of excavation below the assumed floor of the grave in burials is essential, at least to 10 cm.

  • 出版日期2013-1-10