
A new, convex-valved Thalassiosira species, T. minicosmica, was observed from Korean coastal waters between 6 May 2009 and 6 March 2014. Thalassiosira minicosmica was characterized by: (1) gelatinous colony formation by mucilage threads extruded from the fultoportulae, (2) eccentric arrangement of the areolae, (3) almost occluded foramina, (4) a short external tube of marginal fultoportulae, and (5) a single rimoportula (with a remarkably long external tube) between marginal fultoportulae. Similar species, such as T. minuscula, T. diporocyclus and T. subtilis, were compared with T. minicosmica, and their several shared characters, such as the convex valve, foramen structure and an externally larger rimoportula than fultoportula, are diagnostic for the Thalassiosira subtilis group, rather than the gelatinous colony-forming feature. Based on the morphological similarities, we recognize the Thalassiosira subtilis group including seven Thalassiosira species.

  • 出版日期2015-4-3