
We discuss a new companion to Capparelli's identities. Capparelli's identities for m = 1,2 state that the number of partitions of n into distinct parts not congruent to m, m modulo 6 is equal to the number of partitions of n into distinct parts not equal to m, where the difference between parts is greater than or equal to 4, unless consecutive parts are either both consecutive multiples of 3 or add up to a multiple of 6. In this paper we show that the set of partitions of n into distinct parts where the odd-indexed parts are not congruent to m modulo 3, the even-indexed parts are not congruent to 3 - m modulo 3, and 3l + 1 and 3l + 2 do not appear together as consecutive parts for any integer l has the same number of elements as the above mentioned Capparelli's partitions of n. In this study we also extend the work of Alladi, Andrews and Gordon by providing a complete set of generating functions for the refined Capparelli partitions, and conjecture some combinatorial inequalities.

  • 出版日期2015-10