
Finite-time consensus for multi-agent systems (MAS) with high-order nonlinear uncertain dynamics under directed communication topology is still an open problem due to the involvement of high-order nonlinear uncertain dynamics; one-way directed communication constraints; and unknown time-varying control effectiveness gain. In this paper, based upon the locally defined consensus error and fractionally composed virtual, error, a number of useful intermediate results are derived, with which, a finite time consensus solution is established for networked MAS with high-order uncertain dynamics under single-way directed communication topology. By including fraction power integration as part of the Lyapunov function candidate and by using inductive analysis, it is shown that the proposed distributed solution is able to achieve consensus in finite time with sufficient accuracy. The benefits and effectiveness of the developed algorithm are also confirmed by numerical simulations.

  • 出版日期2016-12-1
  • 单位南阳理工学院; 重庆大学