Arbitrary Spike Time Dependent Plasticity (STDP) in Memristor by Analog Waveform Engineering

作者:Panwar Neeraj*; Rajendran Bipin; Ganguly Udayan
来源:IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2017, 38(6): 740-743.


In the literature, various pulse-based programming schemes have been used to mimic typical spike time-dependent plasticity (STDP)-based learning rule observed in biological synapses. In this letter, we demonstrate the capability to generated arbitrary STDP behaviors by using analog programming waveforms inspired by neuronal action potential. First, we propose a simple algorithm to generate any arbitrary form of STDP. Second, we show the feasibility of a range of spike correlation time scales for STDP, e.g., biological ( similar to 100 ms) to accelerated (similar to 20 mu s), based on W/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Pt based memristor. Third, we experimentally demonstrate several forms of STDP behaviors, where the pre- and post-neuronal waveforms are randomly spaced in time, akin to operational conditions. STDP shape corresponds well to waveforms. Thus, we show that artificial synapses can achieve the richness observed in biology as well as a range of STDP timescales for biologically compatible to accelerated neural network applications.