A Main Group Metal Sandwich: Five Lithium Cations Jammed Between Two Corannulene Tetraanion Decks

作者:Zabula Alexander V; Filatov Alexander S; Spisak Sarah N; Rogachev Andrey Yu; Petrukhina Marina A*
来源:Science, 2011, 333(6045): 1008-1011.


Lithium-coordinated polyaromatic anions such as tetrareduced corannulene, C(20)H(10)(4-) (1(4-)), are useful substrates to model and ultimately improve the graphitic electrodes in lithium-ion (Li(+)) batteries. Previous studies suggested that 1(4-) forms dimers encasing four Li(+) ions in solution. Here, we report a single-crystal x-ray diffraction analysis confirming the formation of a sandwich-type supramolecular aggregate with a high degree of alkali metal intercalation. In contrast to the prior model, our data reveal that five Li(+) ions are sandwiched between the two tetrareduced corannulene decks, and (7)Li nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy delineates a conserved structure in tetrahydrofuran solution. Remarkably, the sandwich is robust in both solution and solid states even in the presence of crown ethers that compete for Li(+) coordination. These results should help elucidate Li(+) intercalation motifs between curved carbon surfaces more broadly.