
This article proposes an approach for modelling the interactive influences of two (or more) actors in decision-making processes. We use a nonlinear simultaneous probit-model and show how the problem of identification for estimating the relative effects of the actors can be solved. The formal model will be applied to examine the decision-making process for setting up a family in partnerships. We model a trivariate distribution consisting of the wifes%26apos; desire to have a child or disposition toward the generative decision, the husbands%26apos; disposition and the joint generative decision. We show how the parameter can be used to assess the relative importance of both partners%26apos; dispositions for the decision, the reciprocal influence of both partners%26apos; dispositions within the interaction process, and the relevance of both partners%26apos; biographical contexts in relation to their own disposition as well as to that of the partner. The analysis is based on a three-stage estimation strategy which is implemented in MECOSA 3 and we use data from the Bamberger married couple panel.

  • 出版日期2013-4