
A density functional perturbative theory, which is based on both the modified fundamental measure theory for the spheres and the Wertheim's first-order perturbation theory for the chain connectivity, has been proposed for investigating the structure of the heteronuclear AB diblock copolymers. It has been applied for studying the adsorption of the heteronuclear AB diblock copolymers confined in the hard slit pores and the walls via the Lennard-Jones (3-9) potential. The theoretical calculation shows that the structure of the confined heteronuclear AB diblock copolymer are strongly affected by the size ratio of the beads composed of the block as well as the chain lengths of the blocks composed of the copolymer. The surface-binding potential, which has different affinity with regard to the walls, plays an important role for the structure and phase behaviors of the heteronuclear AB diblock copolymer such as the selective adsorption of the homogeneous AB diblock copolymer immersed in the solvent.

  • 出版日期2010-1-14