
We present a method for progressive optimization of pump power and wavelengths for Raman amplification, which allows for selective compensation of the relevant nonlinear interactions. This method first allows for a rapid one-step assessment of gain performance for a given set of wavelengths without determining pump powers in a novel approach which completely avoids the numeric solution of the Raman equations, thereby enabling ideal performance prediction while significantly reducing computational effort. The method then provides a technique to selectively compensate for pump-pump, pump-signal, and amplified signal-signal interactions, enabling one to control how much computational effort is expended determining pump powers based on the level of accuracy desired, which varies widely in practice. Lastly, the method is independent of solution techniques for the Raman equations, thereby eliminating the need to recast the Raman equations with separate, typically restrictive assumptions (such as ignoring amplified spontaneous emission and Rayleigh backscattering).

  • 出版日期2004-5