
Health literacy has been associated with a number of healthcare components and outcomes in individuals with chronic illnesses, including those with diabetes. Few models have been proposed to explain the relationships and pathways through which health literacy influences the health of people. Our original objective was to use the existing models to conceptualize how health literacy influences the health of people with diabetes. However, the existing models and frameworks have a number of limitations. After we discuss the limitations of existing models and views, we adapt the Paasche-Orlow and Wolf model using the available literature on health literacy in diabetes. The new model presents a more integrative and comprehensive view of health literacy, and is proposed to help healthcare providers, educators and researchers to better conceptualize and understand how health literacy can influence the health of people with diabetes. Additionally, we discuss the role of healthcare providers with people who have inadequate health literacy, identify research gaps and propose strategies to test the proposed model.

  • 出版日期2012-2