
A new robust state-feedback controller is designed to solve the tracking problem of a class of nonlinear uncertain systems. The contributions of our paper are threefold: Firstly, a new robust state-feedback controller with a simple structure is derived. Owing to its simplicity, less computation is needed. What is more, for polynomial-type uncertainties, a much simpler controller can be derived directly without the need of computing partial derivatives. Secondly, a technique that leaves positive functions used in the nonlinear damping terms to be chosen freely is introduced which may enable us to find out a good one among all candidate positive functions to reduce the control effort and to design a 'softer' controller. Thirdly, the assumption made in non-adaptive robust control schemes where the bounding functions are required to be exactly known is relaxed, and the assumption on the reference signal is relaxed too. When our robust controller is applied, the simulations show that better performance can be achieved with less control effort.