Ascaris through a chest tube: a rare presentation

作者:Lone Reyaz A*; Wani Mohd Lateef; Manzoor Mohsin; Sharma Mukand Lal; Lone Ghulam Nabi; Shah Mubashir; Zubair Hakeem; Mir Mohd Farooq; Irshad Ifat
来源:Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 2010, 16(2): 183-184.


A rare case of an Ascaris worm emerging through an intercostal chest tube is reported here because of its unusual presentation. A five-year-old male child had a liver abscess, which had ruptured into the right pleural cavity. An intercostal chest tube was inserted for right pleural effusion. On the 5th postoperative day, a 7 cm long worm was noticed emerging through the chest tube. Ascaris lumbricoides infestation can lead to serious complications because of the mobility of the worms. Though complications such as intestinal obstruction, volvulus, gangrene, pancreatitis, biliary obstruction, cholangiohepatitis, and liver abscess have been reported to occur, intrapleural ascariasis is an extremely rare situation. This report describes a clinical situation of intrapleural ascariasis and emphasizes the importance of remaining aware of this rare complication of ascariasis.