
In the preceding paper (Commun. Theor. Phys. 51 (2009) 321) we have recommended a convenient method for disentangling exponential operators. In this work we use this method for disentangling exponential operators composed of angular momentum operators. We mainly disentangle the form of exp[2hJ(z) + gJ(+) + kJ(-)] as the ordering exp(... J(+))exp(... J(z))exp(... J(-)), we employ the Schwinger Bose realization J(-) _ b(dagger)a, J(+) _ a(dagger)b, Jz - (a(dagger)a - b(dagger)b)/2 to fulfil this task, without appealing to Lie algebra method. Note that this operator's disentangling is different from its decomposition in normal ordering.

  • 出版日期2011-5
  • 单位菏泽学院
