
Plants have evolved various means for controlled and organized cell destruction, known as programmed cell death (PCD). In plant immune responses against microbial infection, hypersensitive cell death as a form of PCD is a crucial event to prevent the spread of biotrophic pathogens. Recent live cell imaging techniques have revealed dynamic features and significant roles of cytoskeletons and the vacuole during defense responses and the PCD. Actin microfilaments (MFs) focus on the infection sites and function as tracks for the polar transport of antimicrobial materials. To accomplish hypersensitive cell death, further dynamic changes in cytoskeletons are induced. MFs play a role in the structural and functional regulation of the vacuole, leading to execution of the PCD. We here overview spatiotemporal dynamic changes in the cytoskeletons and the vacuoles triggered by signals from pathogens, and propose a hypothetical model for MF-regulated vacuole-mediated PCD in plant immunity.

  • 出版日期2011-5