Non-abelian (hyperscaling violating) Lifshitz black holes in general dimensions

作者:Feng Xing Hui*; Geng Wei Jian
来源:Physics Letters B, 2015, 747: 395-399.


We consider Einstein gravities coupled to a cosmological constant and multiple SU(2) Yang-Mills fields in general dimensions and find that the theories admit colored Lifshitz solutions with dynamic exponents z > 1. We also introduce a Maxwell field and construct exact electric charged black holes that asymptote to the z = D - 1 colored Lifshitz spacetimes and analyze their thermodynamical first law. Furthermore, we introduce a dilaton to the system and construct Lifshitz spacetimes with hyperscaling violations. After turning on the Maxwell field, we obtain a class of hyperscaling violating Lifshitz black holes when theta = 2/D-2[z - (D - 1)].