
Arigsugacin I (1), a new -pyrone meroterpene, along with two known compounds, arigsugacins F (2) and territrem B (3), were isolated from the mangrove endophytic fungus Penicillium sp. sk5GW1L from Kandelia candel. Their structures were identified through mass spectrometry and NMR experiments, and the absolute configuration of compound 1 was further confirmed by low-temperature (100 K) single crystal X-ray diffraction with Cu K radiation. The absolute configuration of compound 2 was first reported by using X-ray copper radiation. Compounds 1-3 showed inhibitory activities against acetylcholinesterase with IC50 values of 0.64 /- 0.08 mu M, 0.37 /- 0.11 mu M, and 7.03 /- 0.20nM, respectively.