
Most of the transboundary river basins are contested due to the overlapping water demands of their riparian countries. Hence, these border crossing river basins are under immense pressure from the rising water demand. Thus, most of these essential fresh water resources could face water bankruptcy scenario in the future. The Nile river basin is one of these contested river basins. The demand for the river's water is rising rapidly. Research studies indicated that the river basin could become water bankrupt in the near future. In this article the authors applied the classical bankruptcy water allocation rules for allocating the predicted available water of the river basin. In addition, the authors proposed an innovative way of accounting the water contribution of riparian states and also a mechanism for weighing the water deficit allotted to them. Generally, the authors hope that this article shades some light on allocation of water under water scarcity in the Nile river basin and in other border crossing river basins which could help for avoiding water conflicts and ensuring the sustainability of these crucial freshwater resources.