
In this paper the author presents his vision on the neolithisation of the Western Mediterranean, based for a great part on long field experience. He first provides a historiographic overview and then discusses more particularly the topic of the emergence of the groups with Impressed Ware originating from the Italo-Adriatic region. During the transfer of the Neolithic package, some of these elements spread as far as the Iberian Peninsula. Distinct pottery markers are highlighted (the << impressed groove >> decoration technique or rows of wavy impressions made by vertical stamping with the edge of a seashell), which may contribute to trace the spread of these pioneer groups. The topic of the emergence of the Franco-Iberian Cardial on an autochthonous basis will also be discussed. The author more particularly advances the hypothesis that this culture emerged according to a << model of coalescence by maritime interactions >>. Lastly, possible North-African influences are mentioned that are still difficult to be evaluated.

  • 出版日期2018-3-20