
Despite numerous papers relating to the prediction of nose projection for the purposes of facial approximation, there is little guidance for nose tip shape that has been evaluated on a known data set. This study presents a novel, simple technique for validation of the reconstructed nose tip shape based on methods used in actual approximation practice. %26lt;br%26gt;The data set was comprised of 25 full-head computed tomography (CT) patient scans. In 22 of the 25 patients across all age and sex groups, when the head is tilted so that soft tissue pronasale is superimposed on hard tissue rhinion, the curvature of the nose tip was found to mimic the curvature of the superior portion of the nasal aperture. This occurs when the head is tilted dorsally by approximately 60 degrees (55.87 +/- 5.91). Individuals with snub noses presented a much wider tip curvature. The method was highly repeatable and was evaluated through inter-and intra-observer studies (error = 3.15%).

  • 出版日期2012-1-10