Aberrant expression and localization of deoxyribonucleic acid methyltransferase 3B in endometriotic stromal cells

作者:Dyson Matthew T*; Kakinuma Toshiyuki; Pavone Mary Ellen; Monsivais Diana; Navarro Antonia; Malpani Saurabh S; Ono Masanori; Bulun Serdar E
来源:Fertility and Sterility, 2015, 104(4): 953-+.


Objective: To define the expression and function of DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) in response to decidualizing stimuli in endometriotic cells compared with healthy endometrial stroma. Design: Basic science. Setting: University research center. Patient(s): Premenopausal women with or without endometriosis. Intervention(s): Primary cultures of stromal cells from healthy endometrium (E-IUM) or endometriomas (E-OSIS) were subjected to in vitro decidualization (IVD) using 1 mu M medroxyprogesterone acetate, 35 nM 17 beta-estradiol, and 0.05 mM 8-Br-cAMP. Main Outcome Measure(s): Expression of DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B in E-IUM and E-OSIS were assessed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunoblotting. Recruitment of DNMT3B to the promoters of steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) and estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) was examined by chromatin immunoprecipitation. Result(s): IVD treatment reduced DNMT3B messenger RNA (74%) and protein levels (81%) only in E-IUM; DNMT1 and DNMT3A were unchanged in both cell types. Significantly more DNMT3B bound to the SF-1 promoter in E-IUM compared with E-OSIS, and IVD treatment reduced binding in E-IUM to levels similar to those in E-OSIS. Enrichment of DNMT3B across 3 ESR1 promoters was reduced in E-IUM after IVD, although the more-distal promoter showed increased DNMT3B enrichment in E-OSIS after IVD. Conclusion(s): The inability to downregulate DNMT3B expression in E-OSIS may contribute to an aberrant epigenetic fingerprint that misdirects gene expression in endometriosis and contributes to its altered response to steroid hormones.