
Ground configuration and low-lying levels of Al-like ions contribute to a variety of laboratory and solar spectra, but the available information in databases are neither complete nor necessarily correct. We have performed multireference Moller-Plesset perturbation theory calculations that approach spectroscopic accuracy in order to check the information that databases hold on the 40 lowest levels of Al-like ions of iron group elements (K through Ge), and to provide input for the interpretation of concurrent experiments. Our results indicate problems of the database holdings on the levels of the lowest quartet levels in the lighter elements of the range studied. The results of our calculations of the decay rates of five long-lived levels (3s(2)3p (2)P degrees(3/2) 3s3p(2) (4)P degrees(J) and 3s3p3d (4)F degrees(9/2)) are compared with lifetime data from beam-foil, electron beam ion trap and heavy-ion storage ring experiments.

  • 出版日期2009-6