
This paper describes the development of a new prewelding laser surface melting treatment scheme to Suppress sensitization in the heat-affected zone of gas tungsten arc weldment of Type 304 stainless steel. The results of the present study, performed on 6-mm-thick medium-carbon (0.044 wt-%) and 10-mm-thick high-carbon (0.1 wt-%) Type 304 stainless steel sheets, established that surface modification engineered by CO(2) laser treatment is highly effective in suppressing heat-affected zone sensitization during subsequent gas tungsten arc welding. Laser surface treated heat-affected zone of gas tungsten are weldment exhibited a significantly lower degree of sensitization and susceptibility to intergranular corrosion than those of untreated heat-affected zone. This is attributed to higher fraction of Sigma 1 subgrain boundaries introduced by laser-assisted melting and resolidification.

  • 出版日期2009-12